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Posts posted by Touresse

  1. Hello,

    I'm coming back after a few month on this GraphQL subject.

    Since my last message, I've manage to solve the {"message":""} issue.
    In the fields "Auth URL" and "Access Token URL" (in Postman), you must fill these with the following values :

    Auth URL : https://api-{your region in two letters}.sagex3.com/v1/token/authorise

    Access Token URL : https://api-{your region in two letters}.sagex3.com/v1/token

    The {your region in two letters} parameter is basically the region code from where you are located (ie. if you are from North America, the parameter must be "na", if you are from Europe, it will be "eu", etc. )

    Once I've filled these fields and the scope, the call to get a new access token actually redirect me to the postman callback url, but this url send back another 404 error : "Could not associate the values with an active customer registered on Sage Business Cloud"

    I've searched in the differents error messages provided in this page (https://developer.sage.com/x3/graphql/guides/api-error-codes/) if I could find mine, but unfortunately, no ...

    My client Id and secret are coming from the values given in the App Registry Website. 

    I do suspect my scope parameter isn't filled correctly, especially the customer parameter.

    Does anyone know what should I put in this parameter ?

    Thanks in advance.


    PS : a bit of a brag, but if any member of the Sage Team reads this, could you please update your tutorial about setting up GraphQL API for X3 and Postman ?
    Between the lack of explanation about what to use to fill the fields, indications that contradict themselves between two pages of the guide, and the short Getting started video that gives false indications on the procedure, I do think it can be improved by a lot.

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  2. Hello,

    Just like Jimmy, I'm trying to use Postman in order to test the GraphQL API. Right now, I'm at the step "Make your first API calls with Postman", where you use an oauth2 authentification with Postman to get an access token.

    I'm also stuck here, as I'm receiving the following message "{"message":""}" when I'm attempting to "Get New Access Token". The Postman console also indicate a code 404 next to the call.

    I've filled the fields as shown in the quick start guide (https://developer.sage.com/x3/graphql/quick-start/make-api-calls-with-postman/), but I guess I must fill these with custom values (like my sage X3 address, ...). I also tried to fill the fields with these informations, but no results so far.

    I couldn't find any example other than that, so I'd like to know if anyone managed to configure correctly these fields ? If that's the case, could you give me some explanations about which info I must enter ?

    In the case this information could matter, my SageX3 is currently in 2022 R1 release, and I'm using Postman v9.20.3

    Thanks a lot !

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