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Test Integration Test Integration

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Posts posted by Test Integration Test Integration

  1. Hi,

    We used this request for testing and when we added "tax_amount": "0" to it, then it passed. Same case for other countries (UK, Ireland). We tried using minimal request with only required fields and "tax_amount" seemed like it could be omitted and it was automatically set to 0 by Sage (from my understanding).

    AFAIK there is an exception for Spain, where "tax_amount" field is not allowed and shouldn't be specified. For Spain we are still omitting "tax_amount" and it works.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for answering. What are the rules for specifying "tax_amount"? Our implementation should work with multiple Sage businesses (multiple countries) and it seems that there is a difference between countries. Here in docs, it is said that if omitted it will be automatically set to "0" which we were doing up until now, but it seems that something changed and this field is now required.  (https://developer.sage.com/accounting/guides/concepts/invoicing/) Should we now pass "tax_amount" as "0" always?


  3. Hello,

    We noticed an issue during invoice creation for Canadian business. This was noticed today and it wasn't an issue couple of days ago. 

    When we are creating an invoice, we are sending the request as follows:

        "sales_invoice": {
            "contact_id": "479b90167950499c80ef3abd8a89f9bd",
            "date": "2023-03-29",
            "tax_address_region_id": "CA-QC",
            "invoice_lines": [
                    "description": "Some service 1",
                    "service_id": "7896d5025d92423b85db7c821efc488f",
                    "ledger_account_id": "3c65c506bda911eda8c40ef4cf562701",
                    "quantity": "1.0",
                    "unit_price": "25.0",
                    "tax_rate_id": "CA_NO_TAX"

    And we get the response:

            "$severity": "error",
            "$dataCode": "RecordInvalid",
            "$message": "This field is required.",
            "$source": "line_items.currency_tax_amount"

    This field is not mentioned in documentation, at least not by this exact name. There is a field "base_currency_tax_amount" which we tried specifying, but the outcome is the same. In any way, this field is marked as optional in API docs.

    Were there any API changes lately that could affect this behaviour? What is the workaround for this issue?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi,

    We have a use case where it would be convenient if we could obtain service/product and contact ids from the UI or if we could use the export tool to obtain this info, but as far as I noticed it is possible to get the ids only using the API.

    I wanted to recheck if there is any way that ids can be conveniently obtained from the UI or if there is another export tool that can be used to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Hello,

    I am using discount_amount field to specify discounts for invoice lines. We have a case where individual line net amounts are negative. For example, we have 2 lines, first with net amount 50 and second line with net amount -30. In this case, individual line have negative net amount, but in the end invoice total amount will be positive and it will work as expected. But when I try to specify discount_amount for those lines, I get an error because It seems that discount_amount cannot be specified for the line that has negative net amount (in this case line with -30 amount). I tried the same in the UI and it doesn't allow to set discount_amount for the line with negative amount.  

    Is there way to specify discount if the line is negative or is it not possible?

    I tried using discount_percentage field instead of discount_amount, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is there a way to specify the discount percentage so that Sage can automatically calculate the discounted amount?

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Hi Mark,

    Thanks for answering. I have created trial account and tested. I read the part about updating invoice with invoice lines from documentation and I think that I understand the part about updating invoice_lines in the invoice.

    I couldn't find the part about whether update of invoice behaves as sparse or full update. I am wondering if I need to also specify all other fields of the invoice when I want to just update the invoice_lines, such as date, invoice_number, due_date, reference, address, etc. From what I've tested, it seems that it is enough to just specify updated invoice_lines (if I omit all other invoice fields, they will stay the same and won't be overriden). I would like to confirm if that truly is case?


  7. Hello,

    I want to update invoice by adding new lines to it and I want rest of the data in the invoice to remain the same. To do that, is it enough to just specify "invoice_lines" field in the update request that will contain both existing and new lines? Do I need to specify all other invoice fields if I don't want to change their values?

    Thanks in advance.

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