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Dean Walker

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  1. I "fixed" my issue by not using the Sage examples and just refactoring some choice bits of the Xero.Net.Standard OAUTH2 wrapper library... I've yet to try and pull/push data (other than using postman) but i guess i'll be classing up some models for your data, I already have a bunch of SDO code I've been using for desktop that i knocked up about 20 years ago, are any of those fields/structures applicable to the cloud system? i.e. Account and Service Invoice? Thanks!
  2. Hi, I'm facing exactly the same issue and given I'm trying to interface a winforms app I could really do with the example working to help with my understanding/refactoring/reachitecting... (i can talk to QB and Xero in this fashion) Any upated examples or more detail as to the fix? Any help appreciated, thanks! Dean
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