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Richard Ikeda

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Posts posted by Richard Ikeda

  1. Hello @ FábioDavide76

    It depends on the specific implementation. Reading a single value is typically faster than filtering for a single value. The read operation uses the key of a table, while the filter operation uses the WHERE clause with table fields, which is less optimized (when considering database operations).

    Let's take a look at the following examples:

    I have a table in the XQBR addon (Brazil Legislation) that stores events associated with Sage X3 documents called XQRPSLOG.
    This table has a composite index, XQLOG0, with the fields DOCNUM+TIPO+SEQ.

    There are multiple ways to achieve the desired result, but I'll provide you with the commented implementation as a reference for your own code:

      #* Example of FILTER and READ
      Local File XQRPSLOG [XQLOG] #open table
      # In this example, I know all the values of the table's key:
      # So in this case, it's efficient to perform a direct read.
      # Index : XQLOG0
      # Descriptor index : DOCNUM+TIPO+SEQ
      Read [F:XQLOG]XQLOG0="FV-PR002-2304-000003";1;6
      If fstat=0
        # Here, I can work with the values from the READ result.
      # There's a possibility that I DON'T know the current SEQ for this document in this table.
      # In that case, I can choose to use a filter and retrieve the last SEQ.
      Filter [F:XQLOG] Where [F:XQLOG]DOCNUM="FV-PR002-2304-000003" and [F:XQLOG]TIPO=1 #Open filter
      Read [F:XQLOG] Last #First or Last
      If fstat=0
        # With Last or First, I ensure that I will retrieve only one value from the FILTER result.
      Filter [F:XQLOG] #Close filter.
      # The Filter allows me to work with multiple values using a loop. 
      Filter [F:XQLOG] Where [F:XQLOG]DOCNUM="FV-PR002-2304-000003" Order By [F:XQLOG]SEQ #Open filter
      For [F:XQLOG]
        # In this example, each iteration will represent a row from my filter, which is ordered by the SEQ field.
      Filter [F:XQLOG] #Close filter.
      LogicClose File [F:XQLOG] #Close table

    It all depends on your implementation needs. There are additional ways to optimize the code, such as adding new indexes to the table, refactoring the logic, or even approaching table readings in different ways.

    I hope this helps you.

    Richard Ikeda.


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