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Jozef Pietruniak

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Jozef Pietruniak last won the day on July 26

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  1. My dev team assisted and suggested. <AMOUNT>#EVAL[ ((Math.round(Math.abs({!SODOCUMENTENTRY.QUANTITY#value!})*100)/100).toFixed(2)); ]</AMOUNT> This worked. Thanks
  2. I've created some triggers that create a STATS entry whenever an OE Invoice is posted. I don't have any issues with the trigger until I enter the Quantity with 2 decimals. I get an error stating: Could not create GLBatch record. #GL-0951 Line No. 1 has more than two decimals in the transaction amount 2761.3800000000001091393642127513885498046875 [Support ID: T39E4EB002%7EZp59xP0B5m0-rxVWTdNCmgAAAA8] Could not create GLBatch record! 1 See detail and correct data. #PT00000112 I've attached my API. I tried adding Math.round({!SODOCUMENTENTRY.QUANTITY#value!}*100)/100 but that still does not fix the error. Any insight would be appreciated FBO SALES STATS CREATE ENTRY.txt
  3. Do Triggers fire off before Smart Events? The reason I am asking because I created a trigger to create a stats entry that posts to an associated stats account for the item. The other option would be to have the ITEM ID be the STAT account. Any thoughts?
  4. Thanks Louis.. Works as expected. Can I use a trigger to update the field instead of a Smart Event?
  5. Doing good. Just got back from a 1 month vacation. The STAT ACCOUNT field is a Custom Field on the ITEM Object. I also added a STAT Account custom field on the PO Detail level.
  6. I'm trying to create a Smart Event, that will populate a custom field on the line detail with a field from a related object. For example: I have a custom field on my detail line called STAT ACCOUNT. I want this field to be populated by a STAT ACCOUNT assigned to an Item. I can't figure out the API that would do this.
  7. Can I add a formula to convert the -QTY to Positive when I'm posting the value? In other words can I post the ABS value?
  8. I created a trigger that creates a STATS journal to post the QUANTITY of an item purchased or sold. Is there away of adding an IF statement in the API to change the TR_TYPE to "-1"if the quantity being passed is a negative?
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