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Paul Grimster

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  1. Mark Thank you for the quick response. I already have POSTMAN installed and I've imported your environment and collection. I am free for a call tomorrow morning between 10 and 11.30, or any time after 10 on Monday or Tuesday next week. Kind Regards Paul
  2. Mark I have now deployed the callback URL to a live server rather than localhost and made sure that the Callback URL exists. The call I'm making to the oAuth system is https://app.sageone.com/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=a30eb717-391c-c6df-1a18-4318a848e1a6%2Ff26c306d-bad2-4425-a5e1-0aa435eb489b&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fgoadventures.angelfishbooking.co.uk%2Fauthcallback&scope=full_access The callback URL definitely exists as you can see here https://goadventures.angelfishbooking.co.uk/authcallback I have set up the CallbackURL in my GoAdventures application as you will see. However, I'm still receiving the authorisation error below once I've logged into my Sage Account. Can you offer any further assistance please, or arrange a call with someone? Kind Regards Paul Authorise application Error We are very sorry, but there has been a problem. Please try again. If you continue to have issues then please email [email protected] or call the Customer Service Team on 0845 111 6611 - UK or 1890 812 811 - Ireland
  3. Mark I have now updated the callback URL's to include https://localhost;44385/confirmsage but I'm still receiving the same error message. I don't know what else I can do to establish the connection. Please help/advice. Kind Regards Paul Authorise application Error We are very sorry, but there has been a problem. Please try again. If you continue to have issues then please email [email protected] or call the Customer Service Team on 0845 111 6611 - UK or 1890 812 811 - Ireland Back
  4. Mark Thank you. When I log in it still tells me that I need to enter payment details. I have another account registered to [email protected] which has another 195 days to run on the trial, so I can use this one for now. I am trying to connect to this count using oAuth2 in C# to obtain a valid Token and RefreshToken. Here's the URL I am using https://www.sageone.com/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URL&scope=full_access where CLIENT_ID = a30eb717-391c-c6df-1a18-4318a848e1a6/f26c306d-bad2-4425-a5e1-0aa435eb489b and REDIRECT_URL = https://localhost:44385/confirmsage. This is the client ID set up for an app called GoAdventures in my Sage developer portal This URL takes me to the Sage login screen where I use my [email protected] login. However, when the login completes I see the message below. Could you advise me where I'm going wrong - I was hoping this URL would redirect with session variables containing a Token and RefreshToken Authorise application Error We are very sorry, but there has been a problem. Please try again. If you continue to have issues then please email [email protected] or call the Customer Service Team on 0845 111 6611 - UK or 1890 812 811 - Ireland Back
  5. I am a C# .NET developer who builds booking systems for a range of clients. I am looking to integrate these booking systems with Sage Business Accounting so that I can post invoices and receipts to/from my client's Sage accounts. I already have a Sage Developer account and access to the API documentation but I would like to have a test Sage account so that I can post and retrieve test transactions. I've previously signed up for a Sage Trial account ([email protected]) but the trial period has now expired and I can no longer access the account. Please advise on how I can obtain a test account a.s.a.p. in order that I can get started on my integration.
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