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Sachin Salgarkar

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Everything posted by Sachin Salgarkar

  1. Hi, I am getting this response while creating a Purchase Invoice . [{"$severity":"error","$dataCode":"UnexpectedError","$message":"An unexpected error occurred.","$source":""}] Request Details : POST to https://api.accounting.sage.com/v3.1/purchase_invoices ( Authorization token sent in the header) . Here is the request body . {"purchase_invoice":{"contact_id":"f51cda25b2514b6da40c9d27a64ff20d","date":"2021-10-15","due_date":"2021-10-16","contact_name":"Phoenix Air","reference":"5086","notes":"","total_quantity":1500.0000,"net_amount":24462.0000,"tax_amount":0.0,"total_amount":24462.0000,"exchange_rate":1.0,"inverse_exchange_rate":1.0,"base_currency_net_amount":24462.0000,"base_currency_tax_amount":0.0,"base_currency_total_amount":24462.0000,"invoice_lines":[{"description":"Lumabase 34510 Electric Luminaria Kit, Snowflake","ledger_account_id":"9031a66ad4d611eb97fe124d8c407a59","unit_price":16.3080,"product_id":"34722c10b5884edb94ef98ce718abc11","trade_of_asset":false,"quantity":1500.0000,"net_amount":24462.0000,"tax_amount":0.0,"total_amount":24462.0000,"base_currency_unit_price":16.3080,"unit_price_includes_tax":false,"base_currency_net_amount":24462.0000,"base_currency_tax_amount":0.0,"base_currency_total_amount":24462.0000,"discount_amount":0.0,"base_currency_discount_amount":0.0,"discount_percentage":0.0}]}} Any ideas ? Thanks, Sachin
  2. Mark, Sorry for the delayed reply. I was able to figure this out. Since this is a Create Invoice request, I figured that he Artefact number could mean Invoice Number. The Invoice number field type is String , however it worked when I used integer values. Thanks, Sachin
  3. Hello, I am getting this response while creating a Sales Invoice . { "$severity": "error", "$dataCode": "Validation", "$message": "artefact_number must be between 1 and 2147483647", "$source": "artefact_number" } The artefact_number field is not a part of the payload for the POST request to create a new invoice. https://developer.sage.com/api/accounting/api/invoicing-sales/#operation/postSalesInvoices What am I missing ? Thanks, Sachin
  4. Hello, What are the options for integrating with the Non -Cloud , Desktop Version of Sage 50 ( US Edition ) ? I was able to download the Sage SDK which has .NET and COM samples. The .NET version does not support a number of transactions/ entities. The COM version looks like it does , but I am having a hard time finding documentation for the different libraries and Objects to be used. Can someone please point me to it ? All the documentation on the Sage Developer Site points to the Business Cloud API . Is it possible to use this API with the non cloud version of Sage ? Maybe with a connector or proxy ? Thanks, Sachin
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