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Ivaylo Parnetsov

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  1. Hello Mark, Thank you so much, I appreciate your reply! Kind regards, Ivaylo
  2. Hello there, I am a representative of Dext Prepare. We were contacted by Ash Lotey regarding the document's images not being openable in Sage Accounting. This is regarding the company Precise PVC-u Building Supplies Ltd. We checked with our tech team regarding this and here is what they shared: "Everything looks OK on our side. For the example receipt (item ID 13602939550), it was successfully published on June, 4th 2024 - item and attachment. Here is the response from Sage for publishing of the attachment: { "id": "fa933b35-7ccb-432a-b5a2-de0e1a154804", "displayed_as": null, "$path": "/attachments/fa933b35-7ccb-432a-b5a2-de0e1a154804", "mime_type": "application/pdf", "description": null, "file_extension": null, "transaction": { "id": "2f7a4f7e76f9416dbc122c14a39c0ecb", "displayed_as": "46103", "$path": "/transactions/2f7a4f7e76f9416dbc122c14a39c0ecb" }, "file_size": 545982, "file_name": "13602939550.pdf", "$file_path": "/attachments/fa933b35-7ccb-432a-b5a2-de0e1a154804/file", "attachment_context_type": { "id": "SALES_INVOICE", "displayed_as": "Sales Invoice", "$path": "/attachment_context_types/SALES_INVOICE" }, "attachment_context": { "id": "a0769e865bda49e49d68c3c431867d6a", "displayed_as": "SI-3311", "$path": "/sales_invoices/a0769e865bda49e49d68c3c431867d6a" }, "is_public": null, "created_at": "2024-06-04T14:16:44Z", "updated_at": "2024-06-04T14:16:44Z" } HTTP Status Code 201 Created. I checked the ids by which the invoice and the attachment are matched and they are the same (the attachment_context:id field). The attachment itself is a PDF file, ~500KB in size, opens normally" If additional information is needed, please let me know. Kind regards, Ivaylo
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