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Daniel Maxwell

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Daniel Maxwell last won the day on August 31

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  1. I'm not sure if this is in the REST API, but in the XML API when I create an attachment and I get the response I get an id and other details, but I do not get the SUPDOCID, and the SUPDOCID is required for the other API calls, so then I have to make a subsequent API call to get that API. @Louis Sterio2 suggested that I could pass in the SUPDOCID to create an attachment but only if the sequencing isn't on. And he suggested I put an idea in for this. So, idea 1) return the SUPDOCID when the attachment is created so that I can utilize it immediately without a subsequent API call. 2) Maybe allow SUPDOCID to be passed in even if sequencing is on, my API could use its own sequence and if it conflicts have the API return an error indicating that. Thanks! Daniel
  2. Is there a way to put in a feature request to get SUPDOCID added to the API response to facilitate one API call where we have this sequencing turn on?
  3. Is there a way to get the SUPDOCID returned with the response when creating the Attachment via the API? This would facilitate one less API call and readily provide the value I would need for the next API call to create, for instance, an APBILL with the attachment connected.
  4. I've found that I can use the GetList feature to get the ID. I can pass the key that is returned from creating the attachment, using a filter on recordno = key and set the return fields to supdocid. This seems like a waste to have to make a separate call to get that ID. For creating an APBILL and setting SUPDOCID, does it have to be the SUPDOCID or can it be the KEY? Thanks, Daniel
  5. Good Evening! I feel like I'm not sending correct parameters or such when creating an attachment. I'm utilizing the PHP SDK and I am using the XML API to create an attachment and that seems to be working well, but I do not know how to get the corresponding supdocid when it is created. Our document ids are set to auto-increment. An example of the response is: status: success function: create_supdoc controlId: <a control id> data: <empty array> listType: <blank> count: 0 totalCount: 0 numRemaining: 0 resultId: <blank> key: 12 start: 0 end: 0 errors: <empty array> So, is there something I need to do to get the supdocid returned so that I can use it in subsequent API calls? Thanks! Daniel
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