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Favrit AS

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  1. I was requesting the authorization to this url : https://www.sageone.com/oauth2/auth/central?filter=apiv3.1&response_type=code&client_id={clientIdValue}&redirect_uri=https://qa.favrit.com/ws/ordr-service/ws/public/integration/accounting/sage&scope=full_access and redirecting to this page.
  2. Hi @Steel, Mark, I am facing an issue in authorization with my PROD and QA URL which i have configured at my app to redirect URL/ callback URL. I can successfully provide access when I am pointing the redirect URL as my localhost. But when I used https// .. for QA and PROD as redirect I am getting error and and I am redirected to https://central.uk.sageone.com/errors/oauth-failed link. You can see the following image of my configured and error issue page for reference.
  3. Hi, In our system user input the nominal code at the time of integration setup with Favrit. Based on their sales we generate a settlement z report and at the on the next day we post the sales ledgers in the accounting system. But here I found that I need to post with the id at https://api.accounting.sage.com/v3.1/journals api, Can you please guide me by using which API can get the id of the nominal code I have for the accounts. i.e. I will input the like nominal_code(4000, 4001, 3000, 3001) response will be (id : xhsdsdrjjskkk, nominal_code: 4000 , id: kjhgdsdgsh, nominal_code: 4001, ....). Is this make sense? Regards, Emon
  4. Hi @Steel, Mark, In authorization process, after expiration of access token, I can get access token using refresh token? If after 31 days refresh token will expire. Do my customer need to re authorize after 31 days or I will get a new refresh token at the time of getting access token by refresh token with new expire date? or is there any way to keep refresh token for ever? Thanks, Emon, Favrit AS
  5. Hi @Steel, Mark@EMiliaEmilia Cheladze I got the solution. I was doing wrong in the authorization code while calling https://oauth.accounting.sage.com/token . I am getting the code like GB%2Fabsxxxx99, and I was not decoded the value so the I got the error, after decoded it will be like GB/absxxxx99 and it is working now. Thanks, Emon
  6. Hi, I am new In the community. I actually trying to integrate the with the accounting apis with sage. But I am getting an error at time time of getting access token. I am getting the following 400 bad request n response. { "$severity": "error", "$dataCode": "DataParsingError", "$message": "The auth code you transmitted has an unexpected format.", "$source": "Proxy" } What I have to do to get access token properly, I followed the step of authentication mentions in this page https://developer.sage.com/accounting/guides/authenticating/authentication/ Thanks, Emon, Developer, Favrit AS
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