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Becky Conning

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Everything posted by Becky Conning

  1. Hello? Is there someone else I should be reaching out to? This is pretty important to our business.
  2. Hi all! _updateStamp is the only field I want to filter on and oddly one of only two that doesn't seem to work I need to be able to get the records that have changed since a given date and time. { xtremX3Purchasing { purchaseOrderQuantityLine { query(filter: "{_updateStamp: {_gte: '2022-01-24T08:14:09.000Z' }}", first: 1) { edges { cursor node { _id, _updateStamp } } } } } } Returns { "errors": [ { "message": "An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator.", "locations": [ { "line": 5, "column": 9 } ], "path": [ "xtremX3Purchasing", "purchaseOrderQuantityLine", "query", "edges" ], "extensions": { "code": "system-error" } } ], "data": { "xtremX3Purchasing": { "purchaseOrderQuantityLine": { "query": { "edges": null } } } }, "extensions": { "restrictedFilters": [], "diagnoses": [] } The same query but for OrderDate seems to work fine but its _updateStamp I need to filter on. I'd be deeply grateful for any help. Thank you,
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