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Chris Graham

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  1. Hello, I am suddenly receiving an error when trying to create a n invoice: Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I am not aware of any breaking changes published in the API. This wasn't happening yesterday and no changes to my integration code have taken place. My JSON looks ok: { "sales_invoice":{ "contact_id":"xxx", "editable":true, "displayed_as":null, "$path":null, "payments_allocations":null, "total_amount":"96", "tax_amount":"16", "net_amount":"80", "status":null, "date":"2022-01-01", "DueDate":null, "currency_id":"GBP", "invoice_lines":[ { "description":"blah", "ledger_account_id":"xx", "unit_price":"120", "net_amount":"120", "tax_rate_id":"GB_STANDARD", "tax_amount":"24", "quantity":"1" }, { "description":"blah", "ledger_account_id":"xx", "unit_price":"-40", "net_amount":"-40", "tax_rate_id":"GB_STANDARD", "tax_amount":"-8", "quantity":"1" } ], "Paid":false } } Thanks in advance Paul
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