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I'm adding a comment in our API to update a sales order line. (SODOCUMENTENTRY)


Here is the Postman example

<function controlid="{{$guid}}">
        <update_sotransaction key="Sales order-SO-11XXXXX">
            <updatesotransitem line_num="1">


Ideally we would like to use a number of query methods. However from the SDK it looks like the only one implemented.



Is this correct?


Thank you




Following up...

Is this the correct way to update line entries??


$guid = uniqid();

$sop = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate($guid);
$sop->setTransactionId("Sales order-" . $sop_number);

$sopLineEntry = new OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate();


$response = $this->_intacct_client->execute($sop);


Is there a function that will output the XML before executing it?


Thank you

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Just now, Miles Hart said:

Following up...

Is this the correct way to update line entries??


$guid = uniqid();

$sop = new OrderEntryTransactionUpdate($guid);
$sop->setTransactionId("Sales order-" . $sop_number);

$sopLineEntry = new OrderEntryTransactionLineUpdate();


$response = $this->_intacct_client->execute($sop);


Is there a function that will output the XML before executing it?


Thank you

Yes all of the SDK's support logging: Sage Intacct SDK for PHP | Sage Intacct Developer


Thank you Louis,

I did some deep debugging and found the PHP SDK requires you set the ItemId & Quantity as well as the price then it seems to start working. Otherwise it nulls these and the update says successful and doesn't update, so I'm presuming it either sets a new line somewhere...

  <updatesotransitem line_num="4">

I'm also seeing this is a very slow update. If I run the Postman against SageIntacct Update Order Entry Transaction (Legacy) example, I'm seeing 28 seconds....?


Another update... & summary





On line #60 & #64 there is a "writeNull" is set to true, which is putting in the extra XML elements. Is there a reason for this? I'd like to remove them as these are causing a null element and breaking the Sales Order.


2. Can someone explain the 15 second delay to update a line?


Thank you



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