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My company has a few components in CRM (2024 R1) that seem to be under CustomPages and I'm wondering how I can get that data through Restful API requests in Python code. Anyone able to help? Thanks in advance!


Let's take an example from one of my clients' customised systems. I've got a new entity called RentalCharge. First thing I need to do is make that available to the API, and I need to do that in the database:

UPDATE Custom_Tables SET Bord_SDataAccess = 'Y' WHERE Bord_Name = 'RentalCharge'

Then I restart the Tomcat service (in my case it's Apache Tomcat 9.0 CRMx2023xR1Tomcat9)...

..and that's it!  Then I can call an endpoint like {baseurl}/RentalCharge and get my data.


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