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Graeme Faulkner

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Graeme Faulkner last won the day on March 8 2023

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  1. I am using the Export Web Service (AOWSEXPORT) to export data from export templates. I can filter the result by updated date using the following: UPDDAT > gdat$({DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1):d,M,yy} I cannot find the equivalent for date / time I have tried using getdattime with same format as the UPDDATTIM field it is exported however this does not seem to work: UPDDATTIM > gdattime$('2022-09-15T06:27:09Z')
  2. The object code is SPL and you need to set the Transaction
  3. This can be done by adding field to the left list.
  4. This has been resolved, you need to copy them to the instance from the Sage files, they are optional so are not necessary set up along with when Sage X3
  5. I'm using the web service modify method to update product data and have hit an issue clearing values. It seems that setting a string field value to " " will clear the value but I have been unable to find a secret value for clearing decimal field values. Is this possible?
  6. When I query a web service, a limited number of fields are returned. When I read a web service, the fields configured for the web service are returned. Is there a way to configure what fields are returned for a query?
  7. According to the web service documentation there should be some standard import / export web services called AOWSIMPORT and AOWSEXPORT. For whatever reason they dont exist on my Sage instance. Is it possible to create them manually and if so, what are the steps?
  8. This has been resolved. the URL is slightly different from the one published in x3 http://<servername:Syracuse port>/soap-generic/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/CAdxWebServiceXmlCC
  9. I am looking to publish Price Lists as an object web service so I can perform CRUD operations. Is this possible? I can't see it listed in the objects list.
  10. I worked out what was wrong. "Public Name" must exist on the "All > Development > Script dictionary > Scripts > Web Services" screen and must be an "Object" type
  11. I can successfully get a list of customers using the "SOAP generic web services" screen with the following values Query Language Code = ENG Pool Alias = ADC Public name = BPC Object keys = none List size = 100 When invoke a similar request for ITM I get the error "X3 subprogram (AWEB:RECUPHDAT) that reads web services [ITM] timestamp returned the status [Unknown web service (0)] and timestamp []." Query Language Code = ENG Pool Alias = ADC Public name = ITM Object keys = none List size = 100 Both BPC and ITM are listed in "import/export templates" and are enabled for "Export"
  12. I am testing connecting to the SOAP Web Service via a .NET application and all attempted requests get a 405 Method Not Found response. The guide suggests setting up OAUTH authentication however since the x3 instance is not public facing I have added basic authentication to the request header. I am using version 12 (IDDN.FR.001.120009.xxx.2016) on a demo VM. I can successfully get a list of customers using the "SOAP generic web services" screen with the following values Query Language Code = ENG Pool Alias = ADC Public name = BPC Object keys = none List size = 100 When called using the code below, I always get the error: 'The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method Not Allowed.' static string _x3WSUr1 = "https://x3erpv12sqlvm.local:8443/soap-wsdl/syracuse/collaboration/syracuse/CAdxWebServiceXmlCC?wsdl"; static CAdxWebServiceXmlCCService _x3WebService = new CAdxWebServiceXmlCCServiceBasicAuth(); static CAdxCallContext _callContext = new CAdxCallContext(); static CAdxResultXml _resultXML = new CAdxResultXml(); static void Main(string[] args) { _callContext.codeLang = "ENG"; _callContext.poolAlias = "ADC"; _callContext.requestConfig = "adxwss.trace.on=off&adxwss.trace.size=16384&adonix.trace.on=off&adonix.trace.level=3&adonix.trace.size=nadxwss.optreturn=1SON&adxwss.beautify=true"; _x3WebService.Url = _x3WSUr1; _x3WebService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("...", "..."); _x3WebService.PreAuthenticate = true; _x3WebService.Timeout = 6000000; ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; }; // fix for trust relationship error CAdxParamKeyValue[] objectKeys = new CAdxParamKeyValue[1]; _resultXML = _x3WebService.query( callContext: _callContext, publicName: "BPC", objectKeys: objectKeys, listSize: 100); } } public class CAdxWebServiceXmlCCServiceBasicAuth : CAdxWebServiceXmlCCService { protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri uri) { HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)base.GetWebRequest(uri); NetworkCredential credentials = Credentials as NetworkCredential; if (credentials != null) { string authInfo = ""; if (credentials.Domain != null && credentials.Domain.Length > 0) { authInfo = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}:{2}", credentials.Domain, credentials.UserName, credentials.Password); } else { authInfo = string.Format(@"{0}:{1}", credentials.UserName, credentials.Password); } authInfo = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(authInfo)); webRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + authInfo; } return webRequest; } }
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