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raghu Chaudhary

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Everything posted by raghu Chaudhary

  1. We are sending goods like this- { "sales_invoice": { "contact_id": "5ce966c9b90d4892be42455469ed80c3", "currency_id": "GBP", "exchange_rate": "1", "date": "2024-04-02", "reference": "INV05", "main_address": { "address_line_1": "Porik Nedelcho Bev 6", "address_line_2": "Soia", "city": "Sofia", "postal_code": "1528", "country_id": "GB" }, "invoice_lines": [{ "description": "Add colums to reports", "ledger_account_id": "871fd84253d94834545448deb015a2237d", "quantity": "1", "unit_price": "120", "tax_rate_id": "GB_EXEMPT", "tax_amount": "0", "eu_goods_services_type_id":"GOODS", "discount_percentage": "0", "discount_amount": "0" }], "due_date": "2024-04-03", "net_amount": "120.00", "total_amount": "120.00", "total_quantity": "1" } } All invoice lines are goods here but we are getting these errors- "is not included in the list","$source":"line_items.tax_rate"}, "must be 'Zero Rated' for Customers outside the EU.","$source":"line_items.tax_rate"}] And why is it saying EU when our business settings have UK. Thank You
  2. The country/location of the business(the province or state if US/CA) - UK The taxation scheme of the business - We are using GB_STANDARD , GB_EXEMPT etc The customers location (presuming this is a sales_invoice) - Bulgaria If I change Bulgaria to UK it syncs but does not work with Bulgaria.
  3. I am trying to add my invoice to sage Using Sage API, but its giving me these errors - "Please select the EU Goods/Services on each item line.", "is not included in the list", "All items on this Sales Invoice must have the same EU Goods/Services type." Can anyone please tell me the cause of these errors & how to resolve them? Thank You
  4. One more thing, what if I want to unallocate/unlink that credit note from the Invoice? Thank you for your help.
  5. Please ignore my last queries- What should I pass in TransactionType? I passed CUSTOMER_RECEIPT but its giving the following response- Couldn't find TransactionType with name=CUSTOMER_RECEIPT
  6. Sorry to bother you again- in this part of the artefacts id in which money is getting deducted- the artefact_id is Credit Note id or contact_id? I tried giving credit_note sage id like this- but it's saying - 'A malformed request body was sent to the API.' Thanks.
  7. Hello Mark, I have read the payments section but I am unable to find out how can I allocate credit note with invoice on sage. Like in this I can pass invoice id in artefact_id, but where should I put credit note id or credit note data which I want to link with that invoice? POST /contact_payments Content-Type: application/json { "contact_payment": { "transaction_type_id": "CUSTOMER_RECEIPT", "payment_method_id": "CREDIT_DEBIT", "contact_id": "7dfc261d51eb9c107bff7273862f6e80", "bank_account_id": "27cf77a0e56b4c420345893cfc404c94", "date": "2018-04-06", "total_amount": "99.99", "allocated_artefacts": [ { "artefact_id": "ba0473ae7201b61bc1d820059ff69551", "amount": "77.77" } ] } }
  8. If I already have Invoice on Sage and I want to create a Credit note linked to that Invoice, what invoice data should I send with the credit note data to link them and make invoice Paid. I am currently sending data like this for creating Credit note in CURL(PHP) - $data = '{ "sales_credit_note": { "contact_id": "'.$contact_id.'", "currency_id": "'.$currency_id.'", "exchange_rate": "1", "date": "'.$date.'", "reference": "'.$reference.'", "main_address": { "address_line_1": "'.$billing_street.'", "address_line_2": "'.$billing_state.'", "city": "'.$billing_city.'", "postal_code": "'.$billing_zip.'", "country_id": "GB" }, "credit_note_lines": [' '], "net_amount": "'.$net_amount.'", "total_amount": "'.$net_amount.'", "total_quantity": "'.$total_quantity.'" } }'; It only creates the credit note but I also want to link Invoice with it.
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