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Ben Smith

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Posts posted by Ben Smith

  1. Hi Nigel,

    We aren't ready to announce anything just yet, and are currently looking at options and reviewing the feedback received to determine what content is best going forward. We'll be sure to pop an announcement on here + communicate it when we are ready.

    If you have suggestions, or anything specific you'd like to see more of, by all means let us know.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year,



  2. Hi Tony,

    Unfortunately not, due to various re-organisations we have different people working on different products now. Whilst I'm not currently working with Accounting, we have provided details of these requests and recommendations to the engineering teams. At this point I can't give you an ETA on it, but I've made the relevant people aware of your request again. 



  3. Hi Colin,

    Thanks for your question - I see you've sent in a case to Developer Support so we will deal with the issue via email. 

    For members of the UK Developer Programme that is still the preferred method for support. 




  4. Hi Geoff,

    This will be replacing the Sage 200 API forum that's part of the 200 club set up for members of the UK Developer Programme. Use of the 200 API is free, and we are keen to encourage discussion and engage with the developer community. 

    The 200 SDK requires access to the UK Developer Programme, and is as a result kept private for members only. I  am looking at options to improve the experience of accessing and using it so that we can provide (as near as possible) a single location for all support, and discussion for developers and our tech partners.

    I'd highlight that we've just released to the public the newly created Sage 200 UKI site here on the developer portal, available at developer.sage.com/200.




    • Like 1
  5. Hi all, 

    Welcome to the newly added Sage 200 UKI forums for developers!

    We are excited to offer developers and partners the opportunity to discuss and ask questions about the Sage 200 UKI API, and the soon to be released Web Screen Amendability features.

    Sage staff will also be monitoring these forums to offer answers and support.

  6. Hi Colin,

    Thanks for notifying us of this, we have had another report of the same. 

    It doesn't seem as though we have made any changes to the 64 bit ODBC driver in v29 other than the addition of some new fields.

    The ODBC driver is however an unsupported and externally untested method of integration, so there is always a risk to using it for integrations. 

    I'm in communication with the engineering teams about this, but cannot promise we'll be able to provide any further assistance, but I'll certainly try, and update you should I have more.



  7. Hi Matt,

    This is more of a general support query - and I'd advise you to contact our Accounting support teams directly, but you should see a dialogue like this:


    That allows you to determine if you want to have those previous transactions included in the return or not. It's likely in real world scenarios where older invoices/transactions are added after the VAT return has been calculated, reconciled and submitted for the period they should be in. It's perfectly acceptable to include them in the next period's return.



  8. Hi,

    At present the Plus variant of Accounting allows you to create and update products (stock and non-stock) and services. There isn't the option to create specific variations of each record, you would need to just create a new record for each configured variation.

    I'll forward on your suggestion to the product management team as a suggestion for the future.



    • Like 1
  9. Hi Riley,

    I've replied to your email directly, but as we don't currently have one available, and for anyone else looking for an example of a desktop app connecting - the example Google provide here named 'OAuthDesktopApp' should help with the Oauth initiation from a form (WPF or WinForms should work here). The code example specifically can be found in the MainWindow.xaml.cs file. 

    googlesamples/oauth-apps-for-windows: OAuth for Apps: Samples for Windows (github.com)



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