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Stephane Godbout

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  1. Good afternoon. I am currently building a C# application for a small business and I need to be able to create a Sales Order ( InvoiceJournal.SelectTransType = 1) via my application. I am able to connect to Simply - job 1 complete, I am able to get Inventory info for a specific Item number - Job 2 complete, I am able to create a Sales Invoice – Job 3 complete. Able to create “Sales Order” – HELP! So, I have two questions: 1 – What is the process / method or post information needed to create a “Sales Order” via SDK? I have gone through the SDK and don’t see how to create a sales order. When I use SDKInstanceManager.Instance.OpenSalesJournal() it creates a Sales Invoice. Any help would be greatly appreciated here. 2 – Is there anyway to pull the information related to the UDF for Item and customer? We have added two “Additional Info” data points for each Item and one for each Customer that I need to pull for “calculation” purposes. I know that I can get the data directly via SQL statement but would prefer not doing that if possible. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks SCG
  2. Hello everyone, I am new to Sage 50 and their SDK. I am currently building a C# application for a small business and I need to be able to create a Sales Order ( InvoiceJournal.SelectTransType = 1) via my application. I am able to connect to Simply - job 1 complete, I am able to get Inventory info for a specific Item number - Job 2 complete. I also know that I can get the next available Sales Order number by doing a select statement on the MySQL database. The only issue is that for this to work Simply must be running and I can't be sure that is the case at all times. So, is there a way (via SDK) to get the next available Sales Order Number so that I can create it with the next available number? I have looked under InvoiceJournal Class for a method that would work but don't seem to see one. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks SCG
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