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Ananth Krishna

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  1. Hi Mark, I am sending below post data and I am expecting this main address to be reflect in sales invoice in sage application. But it's not reflecting. { "sales_invoice": { "contact_id": "00d6b44eacd94619990586a51ec59a43", "date": "2023-09-21", "invoice_number_prefix": "INVN#", "invoice_number": "78694", }, "delivery_address": { "address_line_1": "2-188\/2,Loyal society", "address_line_2": "3-188\/3,Loyal society", "city": "Atlantic city", "postal_code": 0, "country_id": "US", "address_type_id": "DELIVERY", "region": "" }, "main_address": { "address_line_1": "2-188\/2,Loyal society", "address_line_2": "3-188\/3,Loyal society", "city": "Atlantic city", "postal_code": 0, "country_id": "US", "address_type_id": "SALES" } } Thanks Ananth
  2. Main address and delivery address are not saving in sales invoices
  3. Thanks Mark, I Have followed all the steps provided in oauth guide. But still it's not working for me
  4. working fine in postman. While integrating to our application shows the Authorize Application Error Example Request :https://www.sageone.com/oauth2/auth/central?filter=apiv3.1&response_type=code&client_id=4b6xxxxxxx710&redirect_uri=https://myapp.com/auth/callback&scope=full_access&state=random_string
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