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Jordan Hagan

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  1. We are using API Ajax for Custom Imports. We are trying to script roll back if partial error occurs. Right now if one invoice is clean it processes then errors on next invoice and stops the API. We need to revert the Invoice that went through so troubleshooting/updating import file is not needed.
  2. Trying to import Sales tax into AR. I see in postman its legacy and collection does not have it. I can pull from example from Get AR invoice but its not plug and play.
  3. Am I able to create new custom fields and populate data through API/Scripting for Gross profit %? Example my client is wanting to add estimated and Actual GP % to the Project Summary tab. I have created new fields but having hard time understanding or know if I can populate a calculation into that field through a smart event or even through scripting. TIA also think this wouldn't be a terrible standard field addition to project summary tab.
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