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  1. Hi Mark, sorry for putting you to so much trouble. Our customers in N.I. give us their vat number which has an "XI" prefix. We need to enter the customer as export and therefore vat exempt and put their vat number on their card but we can't do this because the new customer form only allows the "IE" or "GB" prefix. So I'll get the girls to enter the vat number with a GB prefix and use some sticky notes on our computer screens with the names of these XI customers (we only have a few). Many thanks for your help Hope you have a good weekend Bill
  2. Hmmm. Thanks you very much for going to the trouble of researching it. But what should I enter? We're in Dublin and in the EU. Some of our customers are in Northern Ireland so they give us their XI vat number which we need to enter so they appear as vat exempt. But Sage will only accept IE or GB. Regards, Bill
  3. Good morning Mark, Thats fantastic. I had used "country_code" whereas it needs "country_id". I'll be more careful reading the documentation in future, sometimes I can't see the wood for the trees! "country_code":"PL" <= my error, I should use "country_id":"PL" Regards, Bill
  4. Good morning Mark I've sent an email again to [email protected] which was the address given on the contact page. If that doesn't work, I'll try [email protected] but I don't want to tread on toes by annoying too many people. Just for your information, I'm having 2 problems with vat. The first is that vat numbers for northern ireland which is part of the uk have an "XI" prefix eg "XInnnnnn" (to do with brexit I presume). sage accounts only allows numbers with an "IE" or "GB" prefix when I try to create a new uk/ireland customer manually. The second problem relates to creating a new contact in Poland via php and api. I can create a contact manually but the api rejects the vat number "PL...." as invalid for the country Poland. I might be doing something stupid but I can't figure out where the fault lies. This is why I was keen to contact the dvelopers section Regards, Bill
  5. Hi, I have a php/api problem with the api rejecting valid vat exempt numbers as invalid and Andy Rickeard suggested I contact the Developer Services Team but their email address [email protected] which is given on https://developer.sage.com/developer-services/overview/ is rejected by [email protected]. How can I contact them? Thanks Bill
  6. On our in-house system, we calculate total vat based on the sum of the net value of all the line items in the invoice. Sage calculates the total vat based on the sum of the individual vat amounts per line item. This results in differences in vat due to rounding errors . The total vat difference is maybe only a few cents but I have to have to get rid of it somehow. Is it possible in sage to change the point at which vat is calculated? I can't find it under business settings. I tried using the tax-analysis part of the invoice but the api says it's not allowed. Maybe I need a fudge factor such as adding a "vat adjustment" line item. Thanks, Bill
  7. Thank you very much. Your support service is the best, second- to-none Regards, Bill
  8. Hi, is it possible to create a category_item_type using the api? I can see how to get the category item types but not how to create one using the api Many thanks, Bill
  9. My goodness, that's incredible support! I just went off for a quick sandwich, come back and the answer is there. Many thanks, Bill
  10. Hi, I'm making great progress but am stuck trying to create a stock item. The code is below. It enters perfectly except it shows as Non-Stock. When I use the api to get the product details it shows catalog_item_type as {"id": "PRODUCT","displayed_as": "Non-stock","$path": "/catalog_item_types/PRODUCT"} Do I need to add some more info? Other stock items which I entered manually show as {"id": "STOCK_ITEM","displayed_as": "Stock","$path": "/catalog_item_types/STOCK_ITEM"} Many thanks, Bill {'product': { 'description': 'tomatoes', 'sales_ledger_account_id': 'db9b8a68106b11ef963b02a97020826f', 'purchase_ledger_account_id': 'db9a0a63106b11ef963b02a97020826f', 'item_code': 'toms_6pack', // must be unique 'notes': 'very tasty', 'sales_tax_rate_id': 'IE_ZERO', // 'usual_supplier_id':'', // 'purchase_tax_rate_id':'', // 'cost_price':'' // 'purchase_decription':'', 'active': true, 'catalog_item_type_id':'STOCK_ITEM', 'sales_prices': [ {'price_name': 'Sales Price','price': 2.34,'price_includes_tax': false,'product_sales_price_type_id': 'd666f161fe3d4643b1b39ff44b51ac08'} ] } }
  11. I've just started the trial period of 3 months and making good progress with the api. But there will be lots of test invoices and customers before I'm ready to let our office start using it. Can I delete everything I've entered or do I need to close this account and start a new one Many thanks, Bill
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