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Bhavin Panchal

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  1. Hi Team, I am creating AP Adjustment using Intacct .NET SDK. Record is created successfully but, I didn’t get any property (way) to upload attachment with it. Is there any way to achieve this? I found attachment option in AP Bill, and it is working as expected. I am referring below URL to create AP Adjustment. Didn’t get any attachment related property. https://developer.intacct.com/api/accounts-payable/ap-adjustments/ But, attachment property found when I get AP Adjustment Object Definition via Postman. Could you please help me on this?
  2. Hi Team, I am using .NET SDK to update Bill and AP Adjustment. Bill is updated using BillUpdate function from SDK. Bill headers are updated but issue with line items. If I keep same lines which I have inserted then it is working but, how to remove lines from existing bill. E.g. Bill having 3 lines and I want to remove one line and update second line and third one keep as is. So finally I need only two lines. How to achieve this using .NET SDK? Same thing with AP Adjustment.
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