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SageMain Test

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Everything posted by SageMain Test

  1. Hi, we are getting a 500 error when submitting an invoice. Submission datetime: 2023-10-23 07:51:55 utc CorrelationId":"80000272-0000-f800-b63f-84710c7967bb" "Method":"POST" "Request":"\"sales_invoice\" \"contact_id\":\"759a26eff09348409e3438df1bb8afa1\" "date\":\"2023-10-18\" "invoice_number\":\"8565\" Cheers, Marco
  2. Hey Mark, I've reported the fields of the request that fails. They are the same we use for any request. I acknowledge that contact_type is not requested but I doubt it could be the cause of the error since it's included in all our successful requests. { "contact": { "name": "Windsor", "contact_type_ids": [ "CUSTOMER" ], "main_address": { "address_line_1": "81-83 Street", "city": "London", "region": "England" }, "delivery_address": { "address_line_1": "81-83 Street", "city": "London", "name": "Physical Address", "region": "England" }, "main_contact_person": { "telephone": "", "mobile": "", "email": "[email protected]" } } } Here is a request successfully sent right now to my test account: { "contact": { "name": "1Cust", "contact_type_ids": [ "CUSTOMER" ], "main_address": { "address_line_1": "16 Downing Street", "city": "London", "region": "England" }, "delivery_address": { "address_line_1": "12 Downing Street", "city": "London", "name": "Physical Address", "region": "England" }, "main_contact_person": { "email": "[email protected]" } } } Do you know how we could fix the error? Thanks, Marco
  3. Hey Mark, Here it is: "Request":"{\"contact\":{\"name\":\"Win....\",\"contact_type_ids\":[\"CUSTOMER\"],\"main_address\":{\"address_line_1\":\"81-83 High...\",\"city\":\"Knares...\",\"region\":\"England\"},\"delivery_address\":{\"address_line_1\":\"81-83 High...\",\"city\":\"Knares...\",\"name\":\"Physical Address\",\"region\":\"England\"},\"main_contact_person\":{\"telephone\":\"\",\"mobile\":\"\",\"email\":\"jemma@...\"}}}" The region of the business is UK Thanks, Marco
  4. Hi, what is this error about? It's the response to a PUT request to contacts endpoint. [{\"$severity\":\"error\",\"$dataCode\":\"RecordInvalid\",\"$message\":\"This field is required.\",\"$source\":\"addresses.address_type_form_proxy_id\"}] "CorrelationId":"80000c11-0003-df00-b63f-84710c7967bb" Thanks, Marco
  5. Hi, our customer keeps getting this error when posting some big invoices: {"Url":"https://api.accounting.sage.com/v3.1/sales_invoices","CorrelationId":"80000e48-0004-4c00-b63f-84710c7967bb","Method":"POST","Request":"{\"sales_invoice\… …"ResponseCode":"GatewayTimeout","Response":"{\"$severity\":\"error\",\"$dataCode\":\"TimeoutError\",\"$message\":\"The backend has not responded within 28s while proxying this request. Please try again later.\",\"$source\":\"Proxy\"}"} Every time they try the invoices are created in their Sage account. How can we solve this issue? Thanks, Marco
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