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Lamarca Tio, Alex

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Posts posted by Lamarca Tio, Alex

  1. Hi Tajveez,

    To import Orders into Sage X3, you can use either the Import / Export web service (as explained in https://developer.sage.com/x3/import-export-guide/developing-with-web-services/), or you can publish the SOH object in Web Services.

    The idea of the Import/Export WS is to use the structure defined in the Import template, from the file import & export functionality, but instead of working with a file, you would pass as a parameter the data of the file, not the file. This can be done on a single call using basic authentication.

    If you publish the object instead of using the Import/export web service, then you can perform CRUD operations record  by record. In Sage University (sageu.com) you can find some training on how to use this.

    Hope it helps!

  2. On 6/9/2021 at 9:15 AM, aranza said:


    So as of v12.0.26, can I use graphql? What url do I have to call? Does it work with basic authentication, like RESTs?

    Should I activate something in the Sage console?

    I only need it for quick queries, and to bring images.




    Hi Aranza!

    I'm not sure yet how that works as I haven't done any training yet, but there are some samples in the developer portal, check it here:

    Also, there is already training at Sage University for GraphQL: https://sageu.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/course/1b7c6cae-0406-4281-b223-e7afbd447389

    Hope it helps!


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