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Joshua Press

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  1. Just fixed the problem. The problem was that I was using the code exactly as it came from the URL (encoded): GB%2Fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and that does not work. I've decoded the code, becoming something like: GB/xxxxxxxxxxxx and now it works. An easy fix actually, but I've overlooked it. Since this seems to be an often asked question, I hope this may help someone save a few hours.
  2. Hi Steel, Mark, thanks for your answer. Yes. It is a POST request to: https://oauth.accounting.sage.com/token Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Body Params as your refered, yes. Tried both with params URL encoded and normal. I'm using Postman, that's where I'm getting the error. I'm not really sure about what I could try more.
  3. Hi, I have the exact same issue, when exchanging code for access token: https://oauth.accounting.sage.com/token Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Grant_type: 'authorization_code' Access token from redirect URI: ?code=GB%2F89cf3e2b-4cf8-46e4-80e3-47828e6dd542&country=GB I've already tried with, for the parameter "code": '89cf3e2b-4cf8-46e4-80e3-47828e6dd542' 'GB%2F89cf3e2b-4cf8-46e4-80e3-47828e6dd542' 'Bearer GB%2F89cf3e2b-4cf8-46e4-80e3-47828e6dd542' 'Bearer 89cf3e2b-4cf8-46e4-80e3-47828e6dd542' But all return the following error: "The auth code you transmitted has an unexpected format." I've also tried to URL Encode all parameters, still not working. Any ideas?
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