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Sage\Sage200\AssemblyCache\ .dlls being removed at Sage 200 login/start-up


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A while ago we started to build/copy our assemblies into Sage\Sage200\AssemblyCache\ (from Visual Studio) for debugging during development but we've noticed recent Sage 200 versions have started to delete some of these files at login/start-up.

At first we only noticed this for Sage.Accounting.Datamodel.dll but one of our devs. is now having the same issue with our bespoke .dlls.

This happens if we copy the assembly manually or build to the AssemblyCache folder & it also doesn't matter if we open Sage 200 from Visual Studio or just from the desktop icon.

Has anyone else had similar issues or can anyone tell me what 'logic' Sage could be using to decide which .dlls to remove?



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I've never tried building into AssemblyCache - I've always built my debug assemblies directly into the Sage 200 client folder (you have to be careful about which dependencies you allow it to copy over) and never had any problems (except when I've ignored my own advice and *haven't* been careful about which dependencies I let it copy over).

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Thanks Chris.   We like to keep our client folder 'nice & clean' so we've been using AssemblyCache as it's easy to delete & re-create.  Now we've identified we need it to be in an add-on that's fine.  In this case we had a new developer doing a old Sage training course so he was building the .dll without having any add-ons installed.

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Yeah, I can see the appeal of doing it your way. I wonder if there's a way to fool the AddIn synchroniser so it *thinks* the file should be there and doesn't try to delete it. Need to do some jiggery-pokery with the SDBX manifest.  If I find myself at a loose end I'll try it!


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