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Custom Application with Header and Detail Data Entry Page


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I'm currently working on a proof of concept application what will have a data entry page for an object similar to an AP bill in that there will be a one to many relationship between a header object and a lines/detail object.

My question is there a way to do this on the New Record page for the header object without adding a script component and building the line entry grid myself with a trigger that creates the detail records when the header record is created/saved? 

I'm new to custom objects and applications in Intacct, but have gone through the Platform Application Tutorial, courses on SageU, and the Intacct help files, but can't seem to find the answer. If someone knows of some other resources that I'm missing that address this topic I'd love to know about them.

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Several years ago I remember there was a discussion on Sage's roadmap about adding a header-detail custom object type/supporting what you describe but as far as I know it isn't currently an option.  The best you can do here is that you will have to use the Quick Create page for the 'detail' object in order to enter details on the new Header page.

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