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Join our Sage Intacct Developer Club, where our mission is to help developers succeed by providing quick, reliable community driven support, providing a friendly community, and encouraging the sharing of knowledge. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, join us to share solutions, experience a supportive community spirit, and make things a little bit easier together!
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  2. My dev team assisted and suggested. <AMOUNT>#EVAL[ ((Math.round(Math.abs({!SODOCUMENTENTRY.QUANTITY#value!})*100)/100).toFixed(2)); ]</AMOUNT> This worked. Thanks
  3. @Jozef Pietruniak Im no javascript expert but try looking up how to use "float" and use that to round.
  4. I've created some triggers that create a STATS entry whenever an OE Invoice is posted. I don't have any issues with the trigger until I enter the Quantity with 2 decimals. I get an error stating: Could not create GLBatch record. #GL-0951 Line No. 1 has more than two decimals in the transaction amount 2761.3800000000001091393642127513885498046875 [Support ID: T39E4EB002%7EZp59xP0B5m0-rxVWTdNCmgAAAA8] Could not create GLBatch record! 1 See detail and correct data. #PT00000112 I've attached my API. I tried adding Math.round({!SODOCUMENTENTRY.QUANTITY#value!}*100)/100 but that still does not fix the error. Any insight would be appreciated FBO SALES STATS CREATE ENTRY.txt
  5. Hello @Sterio, Louis, Can you please explain how I can open up a case?
  6. I just heard back. The updated SDK to address the PHP upgrade issue will be released by 24R4.
  7. @Craig Yu I have some answers here. The API endpoint for order entry works in development however the working version is not yet pushed to production. I have just asked the engineering team to push that to production. Once I have a timeline, I will let you know and will provide a working payload for you.
  8. @Preston, Charlie thanks for the tip. That resolved it, but oddly enough I didn't have permissions to list or view the vendor on their in the first place so not sure why those worked then.
  9. General product help on user permissions: https://www.intacct.com/ia/docs/en_GB/help_action/Administration/Permissions/user-permissions-to-intacct.htm
  10. Check the permissions in Intacct of the user you used to get the access token.
  11. I attempted to create a new vendor. I modified the name and in large part used the scenario from the sample Postman collection to create the vendor. However, I receive an error (below). I can create the same vendor with the XML API. In testing with the other functions, I can successfully execute GET commands to return a list of vendors and get an individual vendor. I cannot execute any update or delete commands to PATCH, POST, or DEL. Am I missing something as to why I cannot create or update a vendor? I don't recall any setup where you had to establish permissions. { "ia::result": { "ia::error": { "code": "unauthorizedUser", "message": "The user does not have permission for POST operation on resource accounts-payable/vendor", "errorId": "REST-3007", "additionalInfo": { "messageId": "IA.USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_FOR_OPERATION_ON_RESOURCE", "placeholders": { "OPERATION": "POST", "RESOURCE": "accounts-payable/vendor" }, "propertySet": {} }, "supportId": "ODZRs%7EZpgp2WEnBt33iaB0UN9WTQAAAAo" } }, "ia::meta": { "totalCount": 1, "totalSuccess": 0, "totalError": 1 } }
  12. This is a good idea. I t would be really nice and useful if we had that capability.
  13. This is something they may be able to do the REST API however the XML API enhancements are essentially frozen at this point. Please make sure to file an Idea in the idea portal (community). I will also ask the application team that owns this area to track your request for the REST API.
  14. Is there a way to put in a feature request to get SUPDOCID added to the API response to facilitate one API call where we have this sequencing turn on?
  15. @Pavel Kabir Update here. We are introducing a reporting service in 24R4 timeframe. This reporting service should be used for objects like GLDETAIL (Which is more of a view not an object), GL Account balance, AR Aging etc. This reporting service is in development and all of these reporting objects/services are dependent on this. Unfortunately you will not have this functionality until after REST API GA.
  16. I thought I heard a plan to update them to address the latest version of PHP. I have reached out to the API PM to confirm plans, however he is on vacation this week. I will hear back when he returns and will update this thread with his response.
  17. @Daniel Maxwell You can provide the SUPDOCID yourself in the create_supdoc API call. Then use that supdocid in your subsequent call to create the AP Bill. This requires you turn off any sequencing however related to the SUPDOCID. If this is not an option you will need to query for the SUPDOCID.
  18. Here is how you retrieve restricted values: https://developer.intacct.com/api/platform-services/dimensions/#list-dimensions-restricted-data For many to many relationships. If there are no relationship records associated with each other you will get the full list.
  19. If you have signed up for the community and are waiting for approval, please email me at [email protected] with the email address you used to sign up. Due to an increase in spam accounts, we need to verify new accounts before granting access. Thank you for your understanding.
  20. @Sterio, Louis How can I open a case? Is it done in another forum? This is the first time I have to open up a case, so I'm not really familiar with it.
  21. Is there a plan to update the Sage Intacct SDK for PHP? Most recent version is producing deprecation warning. It's also not compatible with latest Laravel versions, which could be the reason why unofficial forks have appeared.
  22. You can do this with standard functionality. On a GL account in the 'Require dimensions' section, check Vendor. The benefit of this is that this setting will apply across other modules such as AP Invoice, not just journal entry. If your rule needs to cover GL accounts that don't currently exist, then you could put a trigger on the GL account to set Vendor to true if it falls within your range of accounts.
  23. Is there a way to get the SUPDOCID returned with the response when creating the Attachment via the API? This would facilitate one less API call and readily provide the value I would need for the next API call to create, for instance, an APBILL with the attachment connected.
  24. If it really needs to be a popup, then I think you are probably going to need to look at some sort of page script to do this. You would need to inspect the page using your browsers development tools, identify the ID for the customer field and then add a page script to call a function that pops up an input box and captures the input after the customer is selected. This input could then be used to populate the custom field, which would then be persisted to the database when the post button is pressed. Page scripting is explained under this section: https://developer.intacct.com/platform-services
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