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Sterio, Louis

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Sterio, Louis last won the day on May 1

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  1. I see, I am not familiar with postmans import file option. Sounds like you would either need to somehow customize it. Or build a utility outside of postman to generate your payloads and then copy/paste them into postman for execution.
  2. @Gert Ambachtsheer I sent you a PM asking for your email, can you also PM me the company ID you're attempting to test with? I want to ensure its a non-production company.
  3. @Aaron LaBounty For smart events and smart rules, use "Export def" you can find this button it you edit any of your smart rules or smart events. You can then copy and paste the xml returned into its respective section within the customization package. Stack them in the package if you have multiple within the section. I do not believe you can add sequences to this customization package. Can you provide a screenshot and highlight what you're looking to package related to sequences? Screenshot the whole page please.
  4. Yes thats right. Give it a test in a sales demo and sandbox to confirm but you can pass multiple payitems in one request.
  5. The manual payment API supports multiple line items if that is what you're asking however you cannot specify a line number. documentation: https://developer.intacct.com/api/accounts-payable/ap-payments/#create-manual-ap-payment-legacy
  6. We will be publishing error codes and meanings at a later date. This is on our priority list. Could you provide some additional details on this issue? For example the endpoints used to authenticate? AUTH_URL and ACCESS_TOKEN_URL
  7. @Frederick Almond Slide in authentication is used with partner consoles, this allows them to slide into companies with the customers approval. Most likely is not something you need. Here is more information on that: https://www.intacct.com/ia/docs/en_US/help_action/More/Consoles/External_users/about-external-users.htm In terms of your other question, right now this will not change but it could in the future, best practice would be to assume it will change and use what is provided in the response.
  8. Are you connecting to a non-production company, also connecting with an admin user? If you are let me know and we can take a call, Thomas can you private message me your email address?
  9. @Lee Savidge I don't see a way either to retrieve these lists via the API. I think it would be a nice enhancement potentially for the REST API. I will ask the owning application team PM if this could be added to the roadmap.
  10. REST API is subject to the same maintenance windows, it is consistent across all time zones.
  11. @Pavel Kabir This is now on the GL teams roadmap and should be available before GA.
  12. Ah I see. If you retrieve the PDF via the API, Intacct will toggle the "PRINTED" field from "No" to "Yes" on the SODOCUMENT object. Just tested this for you. https://developer.intacct.com/api/order-entry/order-entry-transactions/#get-order-entry-transaction-pdf-data <content> <function controlid="testControlId"> <retrievepdf> <SODOCUMENT> <DOCID>Sales Invoice-INV-0051</DOCID> </SODOCUMENT> </retrievepdf> </function> </content>
  13. Jacky, Thank you so much for the examples. I will run this by the GL team for review and consideration. Can you private message me the sender ID you used to generate your client ID? I need to add the account balance API to your client ID to allow you test. Its currently in limited release as they are still working on the response pagination.
  14. Wayne, If you simply print the Invoice to PDF within Intacct I believe that should trigger the RAWSTATE field to change. Let me know if that doesn't work.
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