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sage 200Cloud Spain API


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Hello Again @Ben Smith@Garcia Garcia, Javier

I really need an answer here. 

I'm trying to use sage 200c Spain API and sage 50 c Spain API.

I'm having trouble at getting test credential for a test app, for both cases. I see this in the docs for Sage 200c "Once you have successfully completed the ‘API 200 Developer Program’, as a certified API developer, you will need to follow some easy steps before you can get access to your developer subscription and authorisation keys. Requests by non-certified developers will not be handled."  but I could not find how to acces the 'Api 200 Developer.

Please let me know what steps should I follow in order to test the API's.

Best regards,
Carla Costea

I also have an issue trying to acces App registry (Accounting) . It says that my account is not confirmed. How can I get a new confirmation code?

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So a colleague in Spain has told me that in order to proceed you need to enroll into a course which can be registered for using this email: [email protected] 

If you contact them, apparently they will be able to give you the next steps for 200c ES.

Again, apologies for the complexity - if you have any other issues let me know,


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