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X-Site / X-Company Headers Sage 200 API


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i am developing an aplication that uses the sage 200 api, i am stuck on the required headers of X-Site and X-Company. What they mean and how do i get them? I haven't seen any reference on the documentation for those headers.

also there is anyware a wiki for the sage 200 api?


thanks a lot

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To perform database specific requests using the Sage 200 API, such as making a GET request to the Customers endpoint, you need to include the Site ID (X-Site) and Company ID (X-Company) within the request header.

  • X-Company:  Unique identifier of a specific company within the Sage 200.
  • X-Site: Represents a unique identifier of a specific site within a company.

Including these IDs routes your request to the right company and site, ensuring that you're interacting with the intended data.

To obtain the X-Site and X-Company values for all the companies accessible to the authenticated user, you can execute a GET request against the site's endpoint. (Links to each API Reference below)

The relevant site_id and company_id values returned in the response should then be passed in subsequent requests as the X-Site and X-Company values respectively. 

All documentation for the Sage 200 API and Web Amendability can be found at https://developer.sage.com/200/

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