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Joshua Getner

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  1. Thank you Mark! Invoices are working! In my testing to ensure it was working. I encountered an error item.description is required. The description is there but i think its hitting a character limit. Is there a character limit on item.description and if so what is that limit?
  2. Hello Mark, Is there any update on this issue. I'm still experiencing this issue. Here is some examples bodies that fail. { "sales_invoice": { "contact_id": "a6c6d3b4cce8422d910b7405e97c2848", "date": "2023-05-08", "invoice_lines": [ { "description": "bla bla", "ledger_account_id": "237af38ece4811eda8c40ef4cf562701", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": "12.00", "tax_amount": "0.0", "tax_rate_id": "8a34353c815241c38001ff3a0ea55b7c" } ] } } The tax rate id is no tax. The ledger id is sale of materials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second Example. { "sales_invoice": { "contact_id": "a6c6d3b4cce8422d910b7405e97c2848", "date": "2023-05-08", "invoice_lines": [ { "description": "bla bla", "ledger_account_id": "237af38ece4811eda8c40ef4cf562701", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": "12.00", "tax_amount": "0.0" } ] } } The tax rate id is no tax. The ledger id is sale of materials. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- No matter what I have been getting this 500 error back. As stated previously this worked with no issue before. If I am unable to get this resolved. We will need our clients to use different software for accounting. This is urgently needing fixed. [{"$severity":"error","$dataCode":"UnexpectedError","$message":"An unexpected error occurred.","$source":""}]
  3. Hello Mark, Thank you for getting back to me. The location of the business is Oregon, United States. The Location of the customer is Oregon, United States. I am getting the tax_rate_id through the contact endpoint for the contact being invoiced. I am using the "default_sales_tax_rate" id.
  4. I am getting an unexpected error when trying to create a sales invoice. This was previously working without issue. This is what it being sent simplified with minimal required fields according to the docs. But this returns an error "Server error: `POST https://api.accounting.sage.com/v3.1/sales_invoices` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:\n[{\"$severity\":\"error\",\"$dataCode\":\"UnexpectedError\",\"$message\":\"An unexpected error occurred.\",\"$source\":\"\"}]\n: { "sales_invoice": { "contact_id": "fd0a8d1f0f034641878483b4ac12d87d", "date": "2023-04-17", "invoice_lines": [ { "description": "multi batcher", "ledger_account_id": "4195173e75db11e8990a122c8428e4b2", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": "12.00", "tax_rate_id": "8a34353c815241c38001ff3a0ea55b7c" }, { "description": "Flower 1", "ledger_account_id": "4195173e75db11e8990a122c8428e4b2", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": "12.00", "tax_rate_id": "8a34353c815241c38001ff3a0ea55b7c" }, { "description": "multi batcher", "ledger_account_id": "4195173e75db11e8990a122c8428e4b2", "quantity": 1, "unit_price": "12.00", "tax_rate_id": "8a34353c815241c38001ff3a0ea55b7c" } ] } }
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