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Everything posted by darraghok1

  1. Hi all, Currently trying to create a new ETL pipeline for database and trying to scrape all employees using the SAGE HR api , there are two pages of empoloyees but when I enter page=2 into the link I am getting an error saying it doesn't exist? included are the link as present in the code typed, the meta data from the first page and finally the returned value when I call page 2. This is pulled and augmented from the documentation. It works for page 1. sage_hr_request = requests.get('https://COMPANYNAMEPLACEHOLDER.sage.hr/api/employees?pages=2&team_history=true&employment_status_history=true&position_history=true',headers=headers) Meta data states there are 2 pages but cant access the second page "meta":{"current_page":1,"next_page":2,"previous_page":null,"total_pages":2,"per_page":50,"total_entries":84}} finally this is the response when page 2 is called <body> <div class="page"> <div class="logo404"> <img style="width: 120px;" src="/sage_logo_black.svg" alt=""> </div> <div class="dialog"> <a href="/"> <img style="width: 450px; max-width: 100%;" src="/404.png" alt="Page not found"/> </a> <h1> Ooops, <br> this page doesn't exist... </h1> <h2> Head back <a href="/">home</a> </h2> </div> </div> </body> </html> Coding in python 3 using URLLIB.REQUEST, have API key access and as previously stated works for page one any help would be appreciated!
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