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Jules Croizier

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  1. Syracuse product version : Node version : 14.19.3 X3 Release: 2022 R4(12.0.32) version : 90.32.67
  2. Oh sorry i've forgot to specify : I using Sage X3 V12 and what are components in Sage X3 ? Thank !
  3. Hello everyone, I want to use some javascript in my L4G code . In the first place, I'm following this tuto as an introduction : https://online-help.sageerpx3.com/erp/12/wp-static-content/static-pages/en_US/v7dev/integration-guide_4gl-crypto-bundle.html I've following all instructions but when i want to execute the L4G code, it doesn't work . This is the result i got in the RESHEADER : I don't understand why he can't find my module Thank ! PS : Yes I've restart Sage Syracuse NODE0
  4. Hello everyone, I was looking on many forums but can find a answer to the following question : Is it possible to create and use webhooks on Sage X3 V12 ? Thank you for your answers Regards Jules
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