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Sage x3 node modules


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Hello everyone, 

I want to use some javascript in my L4G code .

In the first place, I'm following this tuto as an introduction  : https://online-help.sageerpx3.com/erp/12/wp-static-content/static-pages/en_US/v7dev/integration-guide_4gl-crypto-bundle.html

I've following all instructions but when i want to execute the L4G code, it doesn't work . 

This is the result i got in the RESHEADER image.jpeg.4c5d2a6154d3d4e47d9873362518cd06.jpeg


I don't understand why he can't find my module 


Thank ! 


PS : Yes I've restart Sage Syracuse NODE0

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On 3/28/2024 at 1:55 AM, Manish JOGEEAH said:

Hello Jules,

Did you find the solution for this issue?


I would almost guarantee this particular 404 has to do with misplacement of the module extension within the file structure or a naming typo, HOWEVER, please be advised that Sage's example, which is quite dated, currently contains malformed / deprecated javascript which will not compile (response 500).  The function code is not correctly structured within the crypo-helper.js file.

Sage Example Code:

exports.digest(text) {
    var hash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
    hash.update(text, 'utf8');
    return hash.digest('hex');

Corrected Example Code:

exports.digest = function(text) {
    var hash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
    hash.update(text, 'utf8');
    return hash.digest('hex');

Make this change, restart your node.  Now the header should look like this and the function should be callable within 4GL.



hope this helps. 

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