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Sipho Maribo

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Everything posted by Sipho Maribo

  1. Hi there, Do you have Dummy Data for playing around with the Accounting API? I have successfully implemented the following APIs but I would like to know if you have data to play with? trial_balance - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/reporting/#tag/Trial-Balance businesses/id - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/user-businesses/#tag/Businesses/paths/~1businesses~1{key}/get financial_settings - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/settings/#tag/Financial-Settings/operation/getFinancialSettings business_settings - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/settings/#tag/Business-Settings/operation/getBusinessSettings
  2. Finally figured this out. I was attending the 'state' value in my redirect url instead the Sage url.
  3. Hi @Steel, Mark thank you for reaching out. Yes, I am following the documentation and on the documentation, there is a query param called "state", according to the documentation, when the callback happens, it should contain THREE query params code, country and the state, but it only contains the code and the country not the state. I use state for validation and if it's null, my code falls over.
  4. Hi there, Would you know why the return URL after authenticating will be missing a 'state' query string "http://localhost:4200/callback-loader?code=GB%2F8afd163f-884e-47bb-b59d-f0a08794ff41&country=GB" I am definitely sending the state on my callback URL and it looks like this, of course I changed the Client ID: "https://www.sageone.com/oauth2/auth/central?filter=apiv3.1&client_id=myclientId9&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a4200%2fcallback-loader%3fscope%3dfull_access%26state%3d%7b%22Username%22%3a%22siphomaribo%40myscooter.co.za%22%2c%22AccountingSystemTypeId%22%3a%22550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000%22%7d" There surely is something wrong that I am doing?
  5. thank you very much @Steel, Mark that is exactly what I was looking for. lastly, would you know why the return URL after authenticating will be missing a 'state' query string "http://localhost:4200/callback-loader?code=GB%2F8afd163f-884e-47bb-b59d-f0a08794ff41&country=GB" I am definitely sending the state on my callback URL e.g "https://www.sageone.com/oauth2/auth/central?filter=apiv3.1&client_id=myclientId9&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a4200%2fcallback-loader%3fscope%3dfull_access%26state%3d%7b%22Username%22%3a%22siphomaribo%40myscooter.co.za%22%2c%22AccountingSystemTypeId%22%3a%22550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000%22%7d"
  6. Apologies @Steel, Mark I just confirmed with a senior Dev, the product is actually Develop for Accounting
  7. Hi @Steel, Mark Thank you for getting back to me. The product I am using is Sage Network API I am current in South Africa but the potential clients were are developing for are based in the UK.
  8. Hi there, I am interested in the following functions Trial Balance Organization Info List of Users within an organisation What would you recommend I use? the API or is there an SDK that is available for use? and if there is one, where do I find it? regards
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