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Lindsay Klatzkin

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Everything posted by Lindsay Klatzkin

  1. I had found the older community article regarding AR Payment Statuses, but they don't contain a "P". I am seeing "P" as a State for APPYMT that is an ACH payment. I thought it was "A" then "D" then "C" when you go through the steps - but what is "P"?
  2. I discovered that this was a bug in the "preview/debug trigger" functionality. When the trigger is actually triggered by an event, it does send "application/JSON" headers. But when debugging the trigger, it did sent the headers as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
  3. Thanks Lee. I'm just wondering why Intacct would offer JSON as an option without setting the content-type header to application/json.
  4. Hi AJ, I have done this using the same AR Reverse API call (reverse_arpayment) and passing in the AR Advance's RECORDNO. Can you see if that works for you?
  5. My goal is to send JSON formatted data to Mulesoft. Created "HTTP Post" trigger Created a template which has valid JSON Set the Trigger Type properties to JSON Confirmed the preview is generating valid JSON Trigger the trigger -- mulesoft reads the request headers as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" I would have expected that the headers would be sending application/json in the headers with this option selected. I have tried changing the template's "template type" from "generic" to "http post" and this has not changed. What do I have to do to get the trigger to send the correct content-type headers?
  6. We are sending API calls to an external API via HTTP Post on a Trigger. For security purposes, they requested that we provide them with a list of IP addresses that these requests will be coming from. I could not find this in the old community forum (could only find IPs for emails and DDS).
  7. I am trying to create journals, though I know it's not documented anywhere. While the API Call creates the journal, it does not capture the book type and this comes in empty into the UI. Has anyone else successfully done this call before? I tried specifying both REPORTINGMETHOD and BOOKID without luck. <create> <gljournal> <SYMBOL>ARJ2</SYMBOL> <STATUS>active</STATUS> <TITLE>Accounts Receivable Journal</TITLE> <START_DATE></START_DATE> <LAST_DATE></LAST_DATE> <ADJ>false</ADJ> <REPORTINGMETHOD>Accrual</REPORTINGMETHOD> <BOOKID>ACCRUAL</BOOKID> <BILLABLE></BILLABLE> </gljournal> </create>
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