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OAuth endpoint


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Is the URL for authorising this "https: //api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/authorize" or this "https: //api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token"

The documentation pages suggest the former but the code downloaded for PHP and Node.js suggests the latter.

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The first one is used to authorise.

First call https: //api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/authorize to authorise and receive an authorisation code back via the supplied callback URL.

The authorisation code can then be used in the call to https: //api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token to get a token and refresh token.

Finally use the token to make API calls.

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