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Accessing my own sage accounting to create invoices.


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Not sure if this is possible, I run a website built on asp.net c# and I wanted the use sage to send invoices to my customers. I dont seem to be able to find a way to do that as it looks like all the API docs are for accessing other people sage instances. I want the invoice process automated so I'm not going to be able to log in the authorise my app through the sage api.

Not sure if that make any sense.

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Hi Jason,

Thank you for your post.

The Sage Business Cloud Accounting API's allow you to authenticate a client application against your Sage Business Cloud Accounting business.

If you install the POSTMAN client app, download this collection and environment and ensure you have created your application in https://developerselfservice.sageone.com/session/new we can arrange a short 30 min call to go through the connection and making some basic requests.

Let me know when you have the above setup and i'll arrange a time that suits.



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