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Support "Client Credentials" Oauth2 flow


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Not all use cases have a user available to do the authentication.

For example: having an Integration platform access the Intacct API on a schedule late at night. 

This is where the "Client Credentials" OAuth2 authentication flow comes in. 

So in my opinion this is a major use-case that works with the XML API and is unsupported with the REST API currently. 

I would expect to do this authentication only using a Web Services user and not a standard user.

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Our OAUTH works with web services users today, you could have an onboarding process where the user authenticates with the web services users once, then securely store the refresh tokens, when your jobs run on a schedule, exchange the refresh token for an access token and execute your job.  I know I am simplifying this but this approach would work. There have been many discussions internally about this and we will not be supporting the password grant_type.




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