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Updating Contact and Customer Countries


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I'm noticed what I think is some odd behavior when I'm attempting to update the Country on Contacts and Customers (Vendors actually seem unaffected).  Note that ISO Country Codes are required in my environment.  

If I send to Intacct an UPDATE request that only changes Country, no changes are reflected in the interface:

If I do send the same request but add the city and pass the original CITY vale, I get the same result:
                <CITY>ORIGINAL CITY</CITY>
But if I also change the city, the interface reflects both the city and country change correctly.   
                <CITY>UPDATED CITY</CITY>


No errors are reported.  I see the same results when sending the requests through the .NET API.  I actually started there, had issues, and went to Postman to be sure I wasn't doing something in .NET incorrectly or that I didn't need to write a Custom update.

Is this known functionality?  Is there something else I could pass to ensure the country change?  It may not happen often that only the Country needs to change on a record but I'd like to think we could if even just to fix a previously mis-entered value.

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