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Request for auth code redirecting to Sage login page even though sender ID was setup in Web Services Authorizations


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I am sending a programmatic request to the following url (redacted) to obtain an auth code to subsequently use to request a token:

https://api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/authorize?state=633&response_type=code&client_id=<our client ID>&redirect_uri=<our redirect uri>

I get a 403 code back in the response. When I do a curl  from the command line I get a 302 redirect.

When I simply enter my url in a browser I get redirected to the Sage login to authorize. The client_id I'm passing in is associated with a Sender ID that is indeed setup in our production system and is Active in the Web Service Authorizations.

We followed the steps to obtain an API Key using this Sender ID, which is how I got the client_id.

The Quick Start for REST API has the following text:

Note: Your application's web sender ID must be approved by a company administrator or your API requests will be rejected. There are two ways for your web sender ID to be approved:

A company administrator can log into Intacct and add your web sender ID to the Company Security tab.
When the OAuth flow presents the Intacct login page, log in as an admin user and approve the authorization request. This adds your web sender ID to the list of authorized web services.
So we opted for choice 1 (supposedly) but are still being prompted for the login screen. What is the problem here?

Edited by Kyle Pickens
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2 hours ago, Sterio, Louis said:

Yes you must authorize the connection to the company to receive the access and refresh tokens. I will setup a call with you in case I am misunderstanding.


Thx Louis, yes if we can get on a call on some forum that allows screen sharing (Teams e.g.) that would be great. I am invoking the authorize url from a lambda and having to interact with a login screen to authorize won't work. My email is [email protected]

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