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Question about Developing Internal Apps / Integrations


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Firstly, sorry if this isn't the correct place to post this, if possible, could someone point me in the correct direction please? 


My company are currently migrating our old system that was heavily modified to fit our needs, onto Sage 200 Cloud.

I was wondering what the possibility / procedure is to be able to start developing Internal Only applications / integrations with our Sage 200C instance / setup?


For example, we have multiple divisions within our Company, 1 account may have Direct Debit setup for the Invoices for specific divisions and not for others.

I developed a small little app that allows us to easily flag the companies direct debits in regards to the different divisions that we have, but, we are currently having to go to a third party company to develop a system where it takes these "Direct Debit Flags" and use when trying to charge the direct debits for the invoices.


Hopefully this makes sense?

We essentially would like for us to internally develop these small little apps and integrations within Sage so that we can have full control and can make the relevant changes when needed, etc.


Kind Regards,


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1 hour ago, Steel, Mark said:

Hi Connor, thank you for your question.

This community is specifically aimed at the Sage Business Cloud Accounting API. 

For information and guidance around Sage 200, you'll need to contact our colleagues at [email protected].



Hi Mark,

Ahh, I wasn't too sure, my bad, I'll drop an email across now.


Connor J

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