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"Add New Businesses" for pre-2018 accounts


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For accounts pre-2018 with the "Add New Businesses" option (https://help.accounting.sage.com/en-ie/accounting/manage-your-subscription/extra-add-business.html), is there any validation that the business names must be unique? E.g. If my current business is named "Test Business", could I add a new business with name "Test Business"?


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Hi, thank you for your question.

There's no validation to prevent you using the same name for an additional business. It would however, be difficult for anyone using the WEB UI to differentiate between them. When a business is provisioned in SBCA it is given a guid. It is this guid which is used to identify a business.

The businesses endpoint will return all of the guid's the authorised user is able to access. Our multi business guide has more detailed information relating to this.



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