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Is there a Sage SDK and Point me to the right direction


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Hi there,

I am interested in the following functions

  1. Trial Balance
  2. Organization Info
  3. List of Users within an organisation

What would you recommend I use? the API or is there an SDK that is available for use? and if there is one, where do I find it?



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Thanks for clarifying:

The below refers to Sage Business Cloud Accounting in CA, ES, FR, IE, UK, US but NOT ZA

trial_balance - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/reporting/#tag/Trial-Balance
businesses/id - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/user-businesses/#tag/Businesses/paths/~1businesses~1{key}/get
financial_settings - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/settings/#tag/Financial-Settings/operation/getFinancialSettings
business_settings - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/settings/#tag/Business-Settings/operation/getBusinessSettings

Auth works by user, meaning only the authenticating user information can be obtained. It's not possible to get all users of a business using the API's - https://developer.sage.com/accounting/reference/user-businesses/#tag/User/paths/~1user/get



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