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Sage 50 SDK Type library registration problem


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Good day,

I am not successfully able to register the classes in the Sage 50 SDK type library - SdoENG280.tlb. I have followed all the instructions supplied with the Sage 50 SDK documentation but I am still not able to register these classes in the Windows registry.

We are Delphi developers and I have successfully imported and installed the Sage 50 type library. However, the tools you recommend, viz regtlibv12.exe, only registers the DIID (interfaces) in the type library and NOT the Classes (All the CLASS GUID's).

I can successfully create any object but when I try to invoke any method or access any property, I get the 'Class not registered <ClassName>: <GUID ID>' error message.

I know that this SDK is targeted t for C# and VB.Net developers so I want to know if you can tell me what I am missing. All the Sage 50 SDO DLL's are registered.

Alternative, do you have any developers that are successfully using this SDK in Delphi? If so could you kindly send me contact information for such developers so that I can contact them and elicit help from them.

Thank you for any assistance.

Could you also kindly include me in your response on [email protected]


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