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"The Client ID, Client Secret, and/or 3rd Party Application are incorrect" on token call


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I am getting the following error after auth while attempting to retrieve the token from POST https://api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token.

  "code": "invalidRequest",
  "message": "The Client ID, Client Secret, and/or 3rd Party Application are incorrect",
  "errorId": "REST-1216",
  "additionalInfo": {
    "placeholders": {},
    "propertySet": {}
  "supportId": "L5sQ7EB069%7EZfnxgP0d2_--9iMWOkbWGgAAAAI"



Request Body (redact [...])

  1. grant_type: "authorization_code"
  2.  code: "eyJhbGciOiJ[...]"
  3.  client_id: "8b[...].app.sage.com"
  4.  client_secret: "bd[...]"




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Louis helped me understand the issue. The REST API is currently in BETA and does not allow calls from production environments. However, he did point me towards how I can achieve what I was trying to do via the XML API.


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