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🐛 Seems impossible to retrieve GLDETAIL as opposed to GLENTRY


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Hi @Louis Sterio2!

While experimenting with the REST API the other day, I noticed there was a definition for a journal entry line, which I believe 1-1 maps to GLENTRY in the XML API; however, I couldn't immediately find an object that would correspond to GLDETAIL.

With Velixo, our clients expect to be able to configure transaction-level drill-downs in both the summary (GLENTRY) and detail (GLDETAIL) format, just like the General Ledger report in Sage Intacct itself.

If I missed, could you please point me to the definition of GLDETAIL, and if it is indeed not exposed at all, would that be a possibility?

Thank you 🙏 

Edited by Pavel Kabir
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@Pavel Kabir Update here. We are introducing a reporting service in 24R4 timeframe. This reporting service should be used for objects like GLDETAIL (Which is more of a view not an object), GL Account balance, AR Aging etc. This reporting service is in development and all of these reporting objects/services are dependent on this. Unfortunately you will not have this functionality until after REST API GA.

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