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How to stop emailing of AR invoices from within Intacct


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We want to prevent some AR invoices from being emailed from within Intacct. The way we can think of is to mark the document as ‘Printed/Emailed’. But we found that the RAWSTATE field cannot be updated via the API. Are there any other ways to achieve this? Thanks.

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Hi Louis,

Thanks for your reply. We would like to know if it is possible to mark an invoice as "print/emailed" using the API without printing it in Intacct manually.

Do you mean using the API to print the invoice to PDF? If so, could you suggest an API function to do this please? Cheers.

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Ah I see. If you retrieve the PDF via the API, Intacct will toggle the "PRINTED" field from "No" to "Yes" on the SODOCUMENT object. Just tested this for you.


  <function controlid="testControlId">
        <DOCID>Sales Invoice-INV-0051</DOCID>


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