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Is there any docs with more relevant information regarding API errors


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Im getting the following error when being redirected to my site after authenticating the app: 

{"ia::result":{"ia::error":{"code":"invalidRequest","message":"Version 0 is not valid","errorId":"REST-1032","additionalInfo":{"messageId":"IA.VERSION_IS_NOT_VALID","placeholders":{"VERSION":"0"},"propertySet":{}},"supportId":"aU17cEB032%7EZjMIaP0v3r0-1wgWBFhjYAAAAA4"}},"ia::meta":{"totalCount":1,"totalSuccess":0,"totalError":1}}
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We will be publishing error codes and meanings at a later date. This is on our priority list.

Could you provide some additional details on this issue?

For example the endpoints used to authenticate? AUTH_URL and ACCESS_TOKEN_URL


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Thanks for coming back to me.

I'm using https://api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/authorize for the AUTH_URL and https://api.intacct.com/ia/api/v1-beta2/oauth2/token for the ACCESS_TOKEN_URL

I'm getting the above error on this url https://api.intacct.com/ia/api/v0/oauth2/authorize.submit?.uid=.oauth_acceptZjRzja2ez0iP-eeoQEzAbgAAAAU&username=*******&clientId=******.app.sage.com after I click accept to grant access.

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